Marcus Folkesson

Embedded Linux Artist

What is this?

This is my attempt to create a blog, at a moderately high technical level, with focus on Linux systems.


I think you will be better off writing. It gives time for reflection and allow you to 'deep dive' into a particular subject.

Who am I

I'm Marcus. A software/hardware engineer with a lot of varying interests. What I spend my time on is either high tech or really old fashioned - nothing in between. Beside coding and hardware design, I like doing blacksmith, beekeeping, carpentry, beer crafting, HAM radio and farming. It is hard to find a common denominator. but it necessarily does not have to be one, the important thing is to try out everything that can be fun.

My $dayjob

I'm working at Combitech as technical leader for the Embedded Linux area. In short, my role is to maintain specialist knowledge in this area so that we can take on difficult assignments with high confidence that we are doing an efficient job.

This maintenance involve to have courses(Combitech Embedded Linux course), talks (e.g. buildsystem-talk / git-talk ) attend conferences (mostly Embedded Linux Conference), predict trends and keep filling this pool of knowledge.

Having courses is something I think is great fun and is something I've been doing for over 15 years now. In my professional life, the focus has mostly been on embedded Linux, but I have also had some programming courses at the university and at different companies.

I often get inquiries about doing freelance assignments, and because of this I have started my own company, MFOConsulting AB, where I take on small, well-defined assignments. Please see contact information in order to get in touch.

In the same vein, I started a side business, MoosefallSupplies, where I sell handcrafted products mainly made of wood, metal and leather. Just for fun!